Sleep is a natural phenomenon that every human being must undergo every day. Sleep is so important to the body because during sleep the body regains its lost energy, enhance healthy brain function as well as general health maintenance. Sleep also helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones. Sleep disorder which is usually called “insomnia” has a lot of negative effects to human body, ranging from mental health, physical health as well as other chronic health problems. The following are some of the important procedures that can go a long way to help if a daily good sound sleep is a challenge to you.
1. Regular Meditation
The main causes of insomnia are related to emotional stress and worry. Regular meditation may be a powerful tool for some insomniacs. It can help you forget the activities you were involve in the day earlier, thus rejuvenating your nerves. Meditation is one of the most effective ways to calm your mind thus making a transition from your stressful day life, to your evening time of rest easy.
2. Observe and keep sleep dairy
Have a specific time of sleeping and waking up and maintain it religiously. Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, including weekends guarantee a sound and peaceful sleep. Avoid unnecessary distractions.
3. Change of Diet could help
Wrong diet at certain time of the day can cause sleep related problems. Avoid foods that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate and spicy food which causes heart burn after late afternoon. Foods like bananas and Cherries contain tryptophan, potassium and magnesium which are muscle relaxants and thus good for sleep if taken 30minutes before bedtime.
4. Avoid the habit of taking sleeping pills.
Sleeping pills are not the solution to insomnia. They only lead to addiction and can damage your liver or lead to other serious health issues.
5. Make your bedroom a sacred place of rest.
Your bedroom is a place of rest and relaxation for the restoration of your body and mind. This is not a place to watch TV, working on your computer or phone. These appliances will deny you of good sleep and relaxation. Instead of giving your bedroom time to watching TV or emailing or chatting with your phone, try listening to a book on tape, or reading by a soft light while lying down.
6. Regular exercises
Research have proven that exercises improves sleep. One study found that insomniacs who picked up a regular exercise routine slept better, felt less depressed, and had more energy all day. If working out at night interrupts your sleep, squeeze in a morning run instead. Give yourself enough time to cool off before bed time.
7. Avoid taking alcohol before bed?
Studies have shown that men who went to bed tipsy slept soundly. Although alcohol gets you off to sleep quickly, but then not long after that it wakes you up later in the night and it prevents proper sound and refreshing sleep. Booz interferes with the quality of your sleep.
8. Make dinner your lightest meal
Eat your breakfast and lunch like a king or a queen. Avoid heavy, rich foods within two hours of your bed time. Feeling bloated and uncomfortable will cause distortion to your sleep, beside fatty foods will take a long time to digest.
9. Avoid sleeping for long hours in the day?
If you are aninsomniac, try to avoid siesta. Sleep is like an animal that needs to be caught, trained, and confined to night time activity only. Sleeping too much in the day will disrupt your sleep/wake cycles in your brain.
10. Good love life at night.
Good sex can enhance sleep for both male and female. Men and women usually snap off to a sound sleep immediately after sex. This is a proven fact. Therefore sex can be a recipe for a good or better night’s sleep. Sex before bedtime is one of the best ways to guarantee a good night’s sleep, a survey of doctors has revealed.
11. Try some easy yoga poses.
A few low-key yoga moves can signal to your brain that slumber is coming. We especially like gentle forward bends, corpse pose, and happy baby pose.
12. Keep the lights out
When the light is on, it tells your brain that it’s time to wake up, so make sure your room is as dark as possible for a good sleep. Note that even a small amount of light from your cell phone or computer can disrupt the production of melatonin (a hormone that helps to regulate sleep cycles) as well as the overall sleep.
For further information on more specific natural procedures to cure insomnia and other success stories and testimonials visit the link below.
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