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Do not Delay Your Estate Planning

1. What Does It Mean to Die Intestate?

Making a will gives you the power to decide how and to whom your assets are allocated when you die. However, if you die without a will or estate planning, your property will be distributed according to the laws of the state that you reside also known as “intestate succession“. Obviously, the laws won’t consider your personal wishes and preferences.

2. Speak With Your Estate Planning Attorney

Please note that the laws of intestate succession vary significantly and depend on whether you were married or single and whether you had children. In general, your assets will be split between your surviving spouse, siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and even distant relatives. Furthermore, when no relatives can be found, the entire estate goes to the state government.

Therefore, it is recommended to speak with your estate planning attorney to get a better understanding what will happen in your case if you die without a will and whether it would be wise to make a will.
In short, do not delay your estate planning and get help of an attorney.