Let’s face it ladies, with our busy lifestyles there is no time for keeping track of our menstrual cycles, so most likely we are not aware of when is our next period will be. Consequently, there is a great chance of being pregnant for quite a while and not knowing about it. The following 5 signs of pregnancy may come in handy in this case. If you have a reason to suppose that you are pregnant and you are experiencing one of the signs specified below, don’t hesitate to purchase a home pregnancy test! And good luck with that!
1. Missed Period
If you have your periods every month, and if for some reasons, it has been put on hold or entirely cancelled this month, you should absolutely take advantage of a pregnancy test! A missed period is often a keen sign of pregnancy and at times is the only one that you might be noticing at the beginning.
2. Morning Sickness
Feeling like to puke every morning? Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, also known as morning sickness, typically comes about a month or four weeks from the start. Great part of all expectant women experience morning sickness which only varies in its extent. If you are among the lucky half of the women, your morning sickness will vanish by the beginning of your second trimester which is approximately 14 weeks of pregnancy. For the rest (not so lucky ones), their nausea will leave them by the end of their second trimester.
3. Swollen and Tender Breasts
Boobs that are enlarged, tender and sensitive to touch could also be an early sign of pregnancy. Raised levels of hormones in your body is to blame for that. You might be getting similar sensation right before your period, only this one is more exaggerated. This uneasy feeling in your breasts should go away after your first trimester. However, some women have tender breasts their whole pregnancy due to gradual increase in volume. Some ladies will go from bra cup size A to size D. And this is one of the many advantages of being pregnant.
4. Exhaustion
If you find yourself in a hibernating mode for the most part of the day, chances are that you might be pregnant. Do not be alarmed if you are on the edge of tiredness. Though precise reasons for pregnancy fatigue are unknown, doctors connect it to the higher than normal levels of hormones such as progesterone. This is what happens at the beginning of pregnancy. As you will advance into the second half of the pregnancy, you will feel energetic and full if strength again. Take advantage of your second trimester and power up as your tiredness will make its way back by the end of your third trimester.
5. Frequent Urination
Having to go too often? This is not a surprise, as pregnant women double the volume of blood and fluids going through their systems. Prepare for frequent washroom visits. The urge to go may start as early as 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, and it will be getting keener as you go further. The growth of uterus will cause it to push on your bladder and make you feel like you have to pee and to do it now!