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Top 5 Anti-allergy Supplements That Boost Your Immune System

1. Vitamin A

Few people know that vitamin A aids in protecting and soothing the lungs and mucous membranes, which are often to be irritated by airborne allergies. Moreover, people suffering from asthma typically have lower-than-normal levels of vitamin A in their lungs, which means that they may be using it up faster. Vitamin A is also known for immune boosting properties, which enhances the body’s ability to fight infections.
Vitamin A is not for everyone though. It should be avoided by pregnant women unless prescribed by a physician. Smokers should take caution when considering taking vitamin A supplements as it may increase chances of lung cancer.

How to take it?

Take (5,000IU) capsule of vitamin A, or one (10,000-5,000 IU) capsule of beta carotene daily. Check your multivitamin – you may already be getting enough vitamin A or beta carotene.

2. Vitamin B Complex

If you suffer from allergy symptoms, make sure to include a supplement containing full B-complex opposed to individual B vitamins. This complex of vitamins is essential for a wide range of bodily functions, including the production of protective antioxidants, which help relieve allergy symptoms and normalize immune function. It also helps you better cope with stress, reduces nasal congestions and allergy symptoms.

How to take it?

Your best bet is to look for 25-50 mg of each of the B vitamins, including B1, thiamin; B2 riboflavin; B3 niacin; B5, pantothenic acid; B6, pyridoxine; and B12 cobalamin. Please, check the amount of vitamin B in your multivitamin, because it may contain an adequate dose of it already.

3. Boswellia

Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) is a staple of the Ayuverdic traditional herbal medicine of India. Compounds derived from boswellia, boswellic acids, block the production of enzymes in the body that can irritate the bronchial tubes and combat any inflammatory processes in the body. In the recent studies, researchers have begun to take inflammation more seriously, in fact, many believe that it is the root cause of nearly all diseases, from cancer to heart disease to Alzheimer’s. People with allergies are in chronic state of inflammation; therefore, it is crucial to keep this potentially dangerous process under control.

How to take it?

Take three (500mg) capsules or tablets daily until symptoms subside, them take one (500 mg) capsule or tablet daily.

4. Vitamin C

This vitamin is best known as the supplement that can decrease the duration and intensity of the common cold. But it also can help relieve your allergy symptoms. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, which blocks the effect of histamine, the substance that causes the itchy, runny nose and watery eyes typical of an allergic reaction. In addition, it enhances the effectiveness of another important antioxidant, vitamin E.

Numerous studies have shown that there is a link between vitamin C intake and asthma – that is, the rate of asthma increases as the intake of vitamin C in the diet decreases. So, if you find that your asthma is worse during allergy season, taking additional antioxidants, such as vitamin C, may help keep your symptoms at bay.

How to take it?

Take one (500mg) capsule or tablet three times a day. The ascorbate form contains a natural buffering agent that helps prevent the stomach distress associated with high intake of vitamin C.

5. Essential Fatty Acids

If you suffer from asthma or allergies, you may need an oil change just like your car! The modern diet is sorely lacking in “good fats”, the essential fatty acids, which we must obtain from the food because they cannot be produced by the body. There are two types of essential fatty acids – omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in cold water fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel) and some seeds, such as flaxseed, and grain. Omega 6 fatty acids are found in vegetable oils and nuts. We tend to get more than enough omega 6, but not enough omega 3.


So, to really make sure that you are getting enough good fats, start taking an essential fatty acid supplement.

How to take it?

Take one capsule of essential fatty acids up to twice daily. Sprinkle one to three tablespoons of ground flaxseed on your food daily.