3. Swollen and Tender Breasts
Boobs that are enlarged, tender and sensitive to touch could also be an early sign of pregnancy. Raised levels of hormones in your body is to blame for that. You might be getting similar sensation right before your period, only this one is more exaggerated. This uneasy feeling in your breasts should go away after your first trimester. However, some women have tender breasts their whole pregnancy due to gradual increase in volume. Some ladies will go from bra cup size A to size D. And this is one of the many advantages of being pregnant.
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I’m 6 days late.. and I’ve took several pregnancy test, the very first one was a faded blue positive but the others I’ve took after were all negative. I’m confused. Could I be pregnant?
keep trying get better test
I am a month late I can’t keep nothing down I am having back pains and I sleep more than usllay I leak during the night and I am having mood swings
I’m more than a month later all the test are negative I’m nauseated all the time,I can’t keep my eyes open.im confused
I don’t know if I’m late but I been haveing mood swings and back pains and stomach pain and cramps should I wait and see if im late I don’t remember
i got raped on the 3rd of march.i took a test on the 5th and 11th they were both negitive. i have been spotting brown stuff and brown clots. i have back pain headaches stomach pains and trouble sleeping. What should i do?
I have the same symptoms..
Am I pregnant
You should get checked out by a gyn doctor because if you got raped and I’m assuming he didn’t use protection it can be multiple things wrong either pregnancy or a std be careful sweetie and I’m so sorry this happened to you.you are a strong women to have so much courage to write about that horrible incident god bless you beautiful.
Go to your Doctor n tell him that u were raped n ask for the morning after pill
U should go to the police ASAP
Maybe you’re too early in the pregnacy. Wait until 1-2 months after the rape to take a test for better results. Take in morning for best results
12 pregnant
I am so sorry that happened to you! Prayers for comfort and strength, make a appointment with a gynecologist or to a free clinic that will check you out
I have a month late I can’t keep nothing down. My breast are very tender I’m getting very sleepy and tired, also having mood swings. I did 2 pregnancy test and they came out negative. Am I pregnant I am very confused?
I have been tired more lately and emotional more lately and don’t really Don’t feel like eating much and don’t feel like doing anything