6. Install sub-membrane suction system for crawlspace
If your home has crawlspace, an effective method to decrease radon levels, is to cover the crawlspace earth surface with plastic sheets. In addition, install a ventilation pipe and a fan to draw the gas out. This form of soil suction also known as sub-membrane suction, is very effective to reduce radon levels in homes with crawlspace.
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What’s a safe level for radon gas? How do you reduce radon levels in a condo ? Is it an expensive process?
EPA safe limit is 4pCi/L in the air and if proven over the limit, recommendation is to mitigate. You can test the lowest lived in room closest to the ground. Radon comes from the radium in the ground. You can mitigate with a blower system that de-pressurizes the soil under the foundation and pulls the radon like a straw up pvc pipes and over the roof. have it tested and then call a mitigation company.
My water test came out 27000. Is this a dangerous level and what do I do about if it is.
My water test came back at 140 pCi/L what does this mean?
Generally radon in the water is not a problem to drink. The issue is that it adds radon to the air as you use the shower or run water in the sink. As the water aerates it adds radon to the air and then you breath it. Its radon in the air that causes a health risk. EPA radon in the house safe limit is 4 pCi/L. 10,000 pci/l in water adds approx 1 pci/l to the air. Have your house tested first then the water if necessary.
In Ohio we do not typically see radon in water as a primary source for radon in air.. however depending on your location I would reach out to a local contractor to see what the radon in water criteria is. I know that there are aerations systems that can be installed to reduce the radon in water concentrations in your home if needed –
radon in water is not a problem except it adds radon to the air as you use the shower and or aerate in the sink as you use the facet. 10,000 pci/l in water can add 1pci/l to the air. Have your house tested for radon in air first and then if over the limits test the water and mitigate both if needed. Its the decay products in radon gas in air that you breath that poses the health risk.
Does radon gas only come from appliances that are gas?
Which home is more affected, on slab or on blocks
Based on my experience in central Ohio – homes one slab have are about 1/3 less likely to have elevated radon levels vs. homes with basements.
Radon gas comes from the decay of uranium which is found in the earth. Radon is a naturally found gas and does not pertain to gas appliances / mechanicals found in the home.
radon comes from the decay of uranium and radium and is a health risk as you breath it. Radon decay products cause problems as they decay in your lungs. If you suspect a problem have you house tested. 4pci/l is the epa safe limit.
I have asthma, since I moved to this house a year ago it has gotten much worse. Is it possible radon gas could be responsible for the exacerbation of my illness. I live in N. Centeral Ohio. I moved from S. Colorado. Whatare the symptoms of poisoning from radon?